Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Yoga Path to Self-Compassion

Are you too tough on yourself? Would your inner voice talk to a friend the way it talks to you? If you can't remember the last time you forgave yourself for a mistake or appreciated your body, try this sequence of moves - with every breath, you'll bring more kindness into your day.

The way many of us talk to ourselves is not particularly kind. Our mental conversations are full of criticism - perhaps about how we look, a blunder we made at work, or just generally not being or doing enough. But beating yourself up is exhausting, and it usually does not work to change behavior, research has shown. The good news: It takes just a little repetition to make self-compassion a rejuvenating habit, and yoga can help. This sequence of gentle moves by Sara Clark, a yoga and mindfulness teacher based in New York City ( You can subscribe to her classes or sign up for a free 15-day trial at ), is designed to help you appreciate your strong, beautiful mind and body and all that they do for you.

Fair warning: This practice may change your whole outlook, says Clark, as your mindset gradually shifts and being nicer to yourself permeates your everyday life. "These moves focus your awareness on your heart, which is the seat of compassion, empathy, and love," she says. Research shows that self-compassion is strongly linked to overall well-being, especially in women. Repeat these words to yourself before each move: I am enough. Because you are - and you deserve to feel like it.

1. Mountain Pose:

Place your hands on your heart. With your feet hip-width apart and parallel, and stand rooted and tall. Keep your chest lifted, and make sure all four corners of each foot are planted on the ground. Hold for 10 slow breaths.

What it does: Pausing at the start of your yoga flow gives you the chance to observe how your body is feeling without judgment, while slowing down the breath and enjoying the present moment. It also encourages good posture as the spine lengthens upward.

2. Cow/Cat:

Come onto all fours, with knees directly underneath the hips and hands directly underneath shoulders (If desired, fold a blanket and place it on the yoga mat to cushion your knees).
Cow: Inhale and lift your chest and tailbone toward the sky, relaxing your belly toward the ground.
Cat: Exhale and round your back, gently tucking your tailbone and bringing your chin toward your chest. That's 1 rep. Do 6 reps, inhaling and exhaling with each transition.
What it does: Moving between these two poses warms up your spine, arms, and wrists. It turns your focus toward your heart as you lift your chest and open up in cow pose and then return to "hug" your body in cat pose.

3. Low lunge:

Step your right foot to the front of the mat, keeping the left knee down. Gently shift your hips forward. Your right knee should be over your right ankle. Place your hands on your heart, lifting your chest, Hold for 10 slow breaths; repeat on the opposite side.

What it does: This pose grounds the body, support balance, and strengthen your legs and spine. By placing your hands on your heart, you focus on the center of compassion.

4. Pyramid pose:

Place your right foot at the front of your mat and step your left foot back, keeping legs straight. Position your left foot at a 45- degree angle and keep your right foot pointed straight ahead. Fold your upper body over your front leg, placing your hands on yoga blocks or stacks of books if they do not reach the mat. Direct your gaze a few feet ahead of you on the floor. Hold for 5 to 10 slow breaths; repeat on the opposite side.

What it does: As you bow toward the ground, you create a moment for introspection and gratitude. Take this opportunity to thank your body for all it does in lifting, bending and propelling you forward.


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